Churches in Bicester
Churches linked with CiB are listed below
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This is an alphabetical list of the Churches in Bicester who connect together to support one another's work. You can find our more by clicking on each church name from where you will be directed to their web site or main social media page.
Bicester Elim Church A Pentecostal church made up of people from many cultures who are committed to being disciples of Jesus, the truth of the Bible and believe that God works today in miraculous ways.
Bicester Methodist Church a group of Christians whose purpose is to respond to the Gospel of God's love in Jesus Christ, through worship, care, discipleship and witness.
St Edburg's Church A welcoming family church in the heart of Bicester in Oxfordshire, including ... St Peter's Church - Bucknell & St Mary's Church - Launton
Emmanuel Church Bicester A lively church, loving God and those around us is what drives us. We're proud to be Church of England, but like to do things a little differently.
Highway Christian Church a community of people from all backgrounds who are living out and responding to God's love in this world.
Hope Church a church meeting on Elmsbrook Estate (affectionately named the 'Eco Town').
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham.
Journey Communities A welcoming church of missional communities made up of young families seeking together to expand the culture of heaven in ordinary places.
Kingsmere Community Ministry Loving God and loving each other - building community is at the heart of who we are. We are part of St Edburg's parish and the Church of England in Bicester.
Orchard Baptist Church a lively and informal bunch, a mix of ages and nationalities, families, couples and singles. We're enthusiastic about our faith and enjoy worshipping God together.
The Redeemed Christian Church of God Impact Centre a parish church of The Redeemed Christian Church of God worldwide, a multi-ethnic Pentecostal church. Our aim is to promote godly Christian living & worship through teachings at various stages of secular life and spiritual development.
The Salvation Army Christianity with its sleeves rolled up - it's a lot to live up to but we're up for it! And along the way we plan to have fun, drink coffee, make friends, eat cake, share stories and make a life that's worth living.
Zion Way Ministries International a Pentecostal, charismatic, independent word of faith grace-based and life-affirming Church.